Bachelor Mathematics
Teacher Training Mathematics
Master Computational Science
Master Mathematics
Bachelor Mathematics
UE STEOP: Exercises on Introduction to mathematical methodology
VO Differential Equations and Modelling
PS Differential Equations and Modelling
VO Image and Signalprocessing
Bachelor Statistics
Master Mathematics
VU Tomography
SE Joint Seminar with Fudan University and RICAM
PS Stochastic Processes
VO Topics from Habilitations
SE Tomography 1
- Preliminary schedule of talks:
- 22 October: Thi Lan Nhi Vu
- 29 October: –
- 5 November: Davide Modesto (pages 17 - 29)
- 12 November: Johannes Gründler (pages 30 - 51)
- 19 November: Mikhail Massalitin (pages 53 - 63)
- 26 November: Kai Marius Bauer (pages 65 - 75)
- 3 December: –
- 10 December: Tobias Groß (pages 87 - 102)
- 17 December: Zoé Dézsi (pages 102 - 116)
- 7 January: –
- 14 January: Tuan Quach (pages 116 - 128)
- 21 January: Bruno Perreaux (pages 129 - 150)
- 28 January: –
Bachelor Mathematics
Master Computational Science
Master Mathematics
PS Introductory seminar on Advanced numerical analysis
SE Joint Seminar with Fudan University and RICAM
SE Tomography 3
- Schedule: Tue, 9:00 - 10:00, Conference Room in the 7th floor
- Schedule of talks:
- 19 March: Yuanyuan Li
- 16 April: Cristóbal Villalobos Guillén
- 30 April: Zheyi Yang
- 14 Mai: Sonia Foschiatti
- 11 June: Cong Shi
- 25 June: Jikai Yan
Bachelor Mathematics
Master Computational Science
Master Physics of the Earth (Geophysics)
Master Mathematics
SE Joint Seminar with Fudan University and RICAM
SE Tomography 2
- Preliminary schedule of talks:
- 12 October: –
- 19 October: –
- 9 November: –
- 16 November: Denise Schmutz, Thi Lan Nhi Vu
- 23 November: –
- 30 November: –
- 7 December: Leopold Veselka, Noemi Naujoks
- 14 December: Cristina Alexandru, Yakun Dong
- 11 January: Christina Strohmenger, Jikai Yan
- 18 January: Clemens Kirisits, Simon Hubmer
- 25 January: Huidong Yang, Simon Biberger
Bachelor Mathematics
Master Computational Science
Master Mathematics
SE Joint Seminar with Fudan University and RICAM
SE Tomography 2
- Schedule: Wednesday, 11:30–13:00, in SR 9
- Preliminary schedule of talks:
- 15 March: –
- 22 March: Simon Biberger
- 29 March: –
- 19 April: –
- 26 April: –
- 3 May: –
- 10 May: Yakun Dong
- 17 May: –
- 24 Mai: Elena Beretta
- 31 Mai: –
- 7 June: Fabian Parzer
- 14 June: Noemi Naujoks, Simon Biberger
- 21 June: –
- 28 June: Jikai Yan, Leon Frischauf
VU Image Processing
Bachelor Mathematics
Master Computational Science
Master Physics of the Earth (Geophysics)
Master Mathematics
SE Project-Seminar Tomography Across the Scales
SE Tomography I
- Preliminary schedule of talks:
- 21 October: Bochra Mejri (online)
- 28 October: –
- 4 November: Yakun Dong, Huidong Yang
- 11 November: –
- 18 November: Fabian Parzer, Denise Schmutz
- 25 November: –
- 2 December: –
- 9 December: David Omogbhe
- 16 December: Teresa Engelbrecht, Julia Niebsch
- 13 January: –
- 20 January: Meysam Omranifar, Leon Frischauf
- 27 January: –
Bachelor Astronomy & Bachelor Meteorology
KU Preparation course StEOP 2 for beginners
- Schedule:
Lectures: on Fridays from 10:45 until 12:15.
Tutorials: on Tuesdays from 18:00 until 19:30 and on Fridays from 14:45 until 16:15.
CANCELLED because of unexpected internet failure: On Friday, 27 May 2022, the lecture will exceptionally take place via Zoom: https://univienna.zoom.us/j/69011399826?pwd=SnVIYmI0Q1NGTkRHQ2tIemhRM2N1UT09 (Meeting ID: 69011399826, Passcode: 241337).
It will be done instead on Monday, 30 May 2022, from 8:00 until 9:30.
Problem sets:
- Problem set 0
- Problem set 1A
- Problem set 2A
- Problem set 2B
- Problem set 3A
- Problem set 3B
- Problem set 4A
- Problem set 4B
- Problem set 5A
- Problem set 5B
- Problem set 6A
- Problem set 6B
- Problem set 7A
- Problem set 7B
- Problem set 8A
- Problem set 8B
- Problem set 9A
- Problem set 9B
- Problem set 10A
- Problem set 10B
- Problem set 11A
- Problem set 11B
- Problem set 12A
- Problem set 12B
- Problem set 13A
- Problem set 13B
Bachelor Mathematics
Master Computational Science
Master Mathematics
SE Seminar: Image Processing
- Speakers:
- Mar 07: assignment of topics
- Mar 14: no seminar
- Mar 21: no seminar
- Mar 28: Fabian Parzer
- Apr 04: Simon Biberger & Leon Frischauf
- Apr 25: no seminar
- May 02: Noemi Naujoks & Grp.: Lucia Marchionne, Jasmin Minarik, Christina Strohmenger
- May 09: Grp.: Alberto Issel, Maximilian Stollmayer, Manuel Wissiak
- May 16: no seminar
- May 23: no seminar
- May 30: Aaron Berman & Thi Lan Nhi Vu
- Jun 13: Elham Azimi & Meysam Omranifar
- Jun 20: no seminar
- Jun 27: Abdelbast Nassiri & Roman Kostal
SE Project-Seminar Tomography Across the Scales
Bachelor Mathematics
VO Analysis 1
PS Analysis and Linear Algebra 1
VO STEOP: Introduction to mathematical methodology
UE STEOP: Exercises on Introduction to mathematical methodology
Master Computational Science
VO Numerical Methods I
UE Numerical Methods I - Exercises
VO Numerical Methods II
UE Numerical Methods II - Exercises
Master Physics of the Earth (Geophysics)
Master Mathematics
SE Inverse Problems III
- Preliminary schedule of talks:
- Oct, 13 (15:00 - 15:45): Tanja Tarvainen
- Oct, 20: No seminar
- Oct, 27: No seminar
- Nov, 3: Masahiro Yamamoto
- Nov, 10: No seminar
- Nov, 17: Leon Frischauf and Bangti Jin
- Nov, 24:
- Dec, 1:
- Dec, 15:
- Jan, 12:
- Jan, 19:
- Jan, 26:
Bachelor Mathematics
Bachelor Physics
Master Computational Science
Master Mathematics
Bachelor Mathematics
UE Tutorials on partial differential equations
UE Tutorials "Introduction to analysis"
UE UE Tutorial: School mathematics arithmetics and algebra
Bachelor Physics
Master Computational Science
VO Numerical Methods I
UE Numerical Methods I - Exercises
VO Numerical Methods II
UE Numerical Methods II - Exercises
Master Mathematics
SE Regularization and Inverse Problems
More Info: https://www.ricam.oeaw.ac.at/events/seminars/fudan-ricam/
Meeting Link: https://www.gotomeet.me/Ricam2/joint-fudan–ricam-seminar
Internal Seminar
- Schedule: Friday, 14:00–15:30, online
- Preliminary schedule of talks:
- Oct, 16 Fabian Parzer
- Oct, 23 Mourad Sini
- Oct, 30 Dominic Amann
- Nov, 6 no seminar
- Nov, 13 Gwenael Mercier
- Nov, 20 Josè Iglesias Martinez
- Nov, 27 no seminar
- Dec, 4 David Omogbhe
- Dec, 11 no seminar
- Dec, 18 Leopold Veselka
- Jan, 15 Leon Frischauf
- Jan, 22 Milica Uzelac, Thi Lan Nhi Vu
- Jan, 29 Florian Faucher
Bachelor Mathematics
Master Computational Science
Master Mathematics
Bachelor Physics
Master Computational Science
VO Numerical Methods I
UE Numerical Methods I - Exercises
VO Numerical Methods II
UE Numerical Methods II - Exercises
Master Physics of the Earth (Geophysics)
Master Mathematics
VO Constructive Approximation
VO Inverse Problems
SE Tomography Seminar
- Preliminary schedule of talks:
- Oct 04: assignment of topics
- Oct 11: no seminar
- Oct 18: Antonela Tuka and Lisa Vacik
- Oct 25: Florian Faucher
- Nov 08: Leonidas Mindrinos
- Nov 15: Ekaterina Sherina
- Nov 22: Clemens Kirisits
- Nov 29: Fabian Parzer
- Dez 06: Melanie Melching
- Dez 13: Harald Führer
- Jan 10: Denise Schmutz, Leopold Veselka
- Jan 17: Christina Buhl, Milica Uzelac, and Thi Lan Nhi Vu
- Jan 24: Felix Gravogel
- Jan 31: Leon Frischauf
Bachelor Mathematics
UE Tutorials for "Analysis"
- Schedule:
Group 1: Thu, 08.00–09.30, SR 9, OMP 1
Group 2: Tue, 08.00–09.30, SR 9, OMP 1
Group 3: Wed, 13.15–14.45, HS 13, OMP 1
Group 4: Wed, 15.00–16.30, HS 2, OMP 1
VO Image and signal processing
- Schedule:
Mon, 15.00–15.45, SR 8, OMP 1
Thu, 15.00–16.30, SR 9, OMP 1 - Next Examination date: Friday, 13. Sep.
UE Tutorials on image and signal processing
- Schedule: Mon, 15.45–16.30, SR 8, OMP 1
Master Computational Science
VO Numerical Methods III - Optimisation
- Schedule: Thu, 11.15–12.45, SR A, Währinger Straße 17
VO Numerical Methods IV - Partial Differential Equation
- Schedule: Mon, 11.45–13.15, SR A, Währinger Straße 17
Master Mathematics
VO Continuum mechanics with applications to image processing
- Schedule: Wed, 13.15–15.45, SR 8, OMP 1
VO Control Theory
- Schedule: Thu, 13.15–14.45, SR 10, OMP 1
Bachelor Mathematics
VO Partial differential equations
- Schedule: Wed, 11.30–13.45, HS 11, OMP1
UE Tutorials on partial differential equations
- Schedule:
Group 1: Tue, 16.00–16.45 SR 7, OMP1
Group 2: Wed, 17.00–17.45 SR 7, OMP1
Group 3: Wed, 15.15–16.00 SR 12, OMP1
Group 4: Wed, 16.15–17.00 SR 12, OMP1
Bachelor Physics
UE Analysis for Physicists I - Exercises
- Schedule:
Group 1: Mon, 13.15–14.45 Josef-Stefan-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5
Group 2: Mon, 15.00–16.30 Ludwig-Boltzmann-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5
Group 3: Mon, 16.45–18.15 Ludwig-Boltzmann-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5
Group 4: Tue, 13.15–14.45 Ludwig-Boltzmann-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5
Group 5: Tue, 15.00–16.30 Ludwig-Boltzmann-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5
Group 6: Wed, 13.15–14.45 Ludwig-Boltzmann-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5
Group 7: Wed, 15.00–16.30 Ludwig-Boltzmann-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5
Group 8: Thu, 13.15–14.45 Ludwig-Boltzmann-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5
Group 9: Thu, 15.00–16.30 Ludwig-Boltzmann-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5
Master Computational Science
VO Numerical Methods I
- Schedule:
Mon, 09.30–11.00, Kurt-Gödel-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5
Wed, 09.30–11.00, Josef-Stefan-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5
Thu, 13:00–14:30, Erwin-Schrödinger-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5
UE Numerical Methods I - Exercises
- Schedule: Mon, 11.30–13.00, Kurt-Gödel-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5
VO Numerical Methods II
- Schedule:
Mon, 09.30–11.00, Kurt-Gödel-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5
Wed, 09.30–11.00, Josef-Stefan-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5
Thu, 13:00–14:30, Erwin-Schrödinger-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5
UE Numerical Methods II - Exercises
- Schedule: Mon, 11.30–13.00, Kurt-Gödel-Hörsaal, Boltzmanngasse 5
Master Physics of the Earth (Geophysics)
VO MA PE 01 VO Inverse Problems (NPI)
- Schedule: Thu, 12.00–14.30, SR Paläontologie, 2B311, UZA II
Master Mathematics
SE CSC Seminar
- Schedule: Tue, 14.15–15.45, SR 7, OMP1
- Speakers:
- Oct 02: assignment of topics
- Oct 09: Gwenael Mercier, A 45min Look on the Total Variation
- Oct 16: no seminar
- Oct 23: no seminar
- Oct 30: Eric Setterqvist, Some Aspects of Total Variation Regularization in l¹-Anisotropy
- Nov 06: no seminar
- Nov 13: Zuhair Nashed (University of Central Florida), Perturbation Analysis for Generalized Inverses and the Role of Outer Inverses in Regularization and Approximation of Ill-Posed Problems
- Nov 20: Alexander Beigl, Initial Source Estimation of the Wave Equation with Limited Observations - Robust Preconditioning
- Nov 27: no seminar
- Dec 04: no seminar
- Dec 11: Ulrik Hager-Roiser, K-Means
- Jan 08: Melanie Melching, Deep Learning
- Jan 15: Denise Schmutz
- Jan 22: Leo Veselka
- Jan 29: no seminar
Bachelor Mathematics
UE Tutorials for "Analysis"
- Schedule:
Group 1: Mon, 15.00–16.30 HS 2, OMP1
Group 2: Thu, 13.15–14-45 HS 11, OMP1
Group 3: Fri, 09.45–11.15 HS 11, OMP1
Group 4: Wed, 15.30–17.00 HS 11, OMP1
VO Mathematical Modeling
- Schedule:
Mon, 15.00–16.30 HS 11, OMP1
Thu, 09.45–10.30 HS 11, OMP1
UE Tutorial Mathematical Modeling
- Schedule:
Tue, 10.30–11.15 HS 11, OMP1
Master Computational Science
VO Numerical Methods III - Optimisation
- Schedule: Thu, 11.15–12.45, SR A, Währinger Straße 17
- lecture notes
VO Numerical Methods IV - Partial Differential Equation
- Schedule: Mon, 11.45–13.15, SR A, Währinger Straße 17
- lecture notes (updated version)
Bachelor Mathematics
VO Advanced analysis and elementary differential geometry
- Schedule:
Wed, 09.45–11.15, HS 13, OMP1
Mon, 08.00–09.30, HS 13, OMP1
UE Tutorials on advanced analysis and differential geometry
- Schedule:
- Group 1: Wed, 14.30–16.00, SR 10, OMP 1
- Group 2: Tue, 15.15–16.45, SR 11, OMP 1
- Group 3: Mon, 09.45–11.15, SR 8, OMP 1
- Group 4: Mon, 13.15–14.45, SR 8, OMP 1
Teacher Training Computer Science
VU Security
- Schedule:
Thu, 09.15–11.15, SR 11, OMP1
Teacher Training Mathematics
VO Aspects of mathematics
- Schedule: Wed, 09.45–11.15, HS 13, OMP1
Master Computational Science
VO Numerical Methods I
- Schedule:
Tue, 13.15–14.30, HS 02, OMP1 (from Oct 10 to Nov 21)
Wed, 14.30–16.15, SR 11, OMP1 (from Oct 11 to Nov 22)
Thu, 08:00–09:30, SR 07, OMP1 (from Oct 12 to Nov 16)
UE Numerical Methods I - Exercises
- Schedule: Mon, 09.45–11.15, SR 7, OMP1 (from Oct 16 to Nov 20)
- Exercise Sheet 1
- Exercise Sheet 2
- Exercise Sheet 3
- Exercise Sheet 4
- Exercise Sheet 5
- Exercise Sheet 6
Master Physics of the Earth (Geophysics)
Master Mathematics
SE CSC Seminar
- Schedule: Mon, 16.45–18.15, SR 8, OMP1
- Speakers:
- Oct 02: no seminar
- Oct 09: assignment of topics
- Oct 16: no seminar
- Oct 23: Julian Schmid, Elastography using Optical Coherence Tomography and Photoacoustic Tomography
- Oct 30: Alexander Beigl, A PAT-Constrained Optimization Problem
- Nov 06: Melanie Hirzmann, Regularization of Functionals of Manifold-Valued Functions
- Nov 13: no seminar
- Nov 20: Eric Setterqvist, Invariant K-Minimal Sets: Theory and Applications
- Nov 27: Christian Gerhards, Inverse Problems in Geomagnetism and Multiscale Representations
- Dec 04:
- Dec 11: Clemens Kirisits, Polyconvex Regularization for Inverse Problems
- Jan 08:
- Jan 15:
- Jan 22:
- Jan 29:
Master Scientific Computing
VO Inverse Problems
- Schedule: Mon, 15.00–16.30, SR 8, OMP1
VO Methods of Complex Analysis for Differential Equations
Bachelor Mathematics
VO Analysis
- Schedule:
Wed, 09.20–11.15, HS 4, OMP1
Mon, 09:20–11:15, HS 4, OMP1 - Office hour:
- Thu, 15.00–16.30, 02.137, OMP 1
- Examination dates:
- Wed, 28 Jun 2017, 09.20–11.15, HS 4, OMP 1
UE Tutorials for "Analysis"
- Schedule:
- Group 1: Fri, 13.15–14.45, HS 2, OMP 1
- Group 2: Fri, 08.00–09.30, HS 2, OMP 1
- Group 3: Mon, 13.15–14.45, HS 13, OMP 1
- Group 4: Mon, 15.00–16.30, HS 13, OMP 1
- Mandatory exams for all groups:
- Fri, 05 May 2017, 16.45–18.15, HS 4, OMP 1
- Fri, 16 Jun 2017, 16.45–18.15, HS 4, OMP 1
- Exercises:
- Problem set 1, due by March 11, 2017
- Problem set 2, due by March 18, 2017
Master Computational Science
VO Numerical Methods III - Optimisation
- Schedule: Thu, 16.30–18.00, SR 10, OMP1
- lecture notes
VO Numerical Methods IV - Partial Differential Equation
- Schedule: Mon, 14.00–15.30, SR 11, OMP1
- lecture notes (updated 16.06.2017)
Master Mathematics
SE CSC Seminar
- Schedule:
Wed, 14.15–15.45, SR 12, OMP1 - Speakers:
- Mar 01:
- Mar 08: assignment of topics
- Mar 15: no seminar
- Mar 22: Melanie Hirzmann, Regularization of Functionals of S^1-valued Functions
- Mar 29: no seminar
- Apr 05: no seminar
- Apr 26: Otmar Scherzer, An Introduction to Regularization Theory
- May 03: Clemens Kirisits
- May 10: Christian Gerhards
- May 17: no seminar
- May 24: Simone Altmann, Romana Jezek, Klaus Kastner, 3D-Simulation with the Radon Transform
- May 31: Denise Schmutz, Reconstruction of Projection Orientations in Cryo-Electron Microscopy
- Jun 07: Alexander Beigl, Injectivity of the Forward Operator in Photoacoustic Tomography in Approximate Controllability
- Jun 14: René Ciak
- Jun 21: Cong Shi
- Jun 28:
Bachelor Mathematics
VO Introduction to analysis
- Schedule:
- Mon, from 07 Nov 2016 until 23 Jan 2017 09.25–11.15, HS 4, OMP 1
- Wed, from 09 Nov 2016 until 25 Jan 2017 09.45–11.15, HS 4, OMP 1
- Examination dates:
- Mon, 30 Jan 2017, 09.25–11.15, HS 4, OMP 1
- Thu, 02 Mar 2017, 13.45–15.15, HS 4, OMP 1
- Tue, 25 Apr 2017, 16.45–18.15, HS 13, OMP 1
- Fri, 23 Jun 2017, 16.45–18.15, HS 13, OMP 1
UE Tutorials "Introduction to analysis"
- Schedule:
- Group 1: Mon, 11.30–13.00, HS 11, OMP 1
- Group 2: Thu, 08.00–09.30, HS 11, OMP 1
- Group 3: Mon, 11.30–13.00, HS 2, OMP 1
- Group 4: Thu, 13.15–14.45, HS 11, OMP 1
- Group 5: Fri, 09.45–11.15, HS 11, OMP 1
- Group 6: Thu, 17.15–18.45, HS 13, OMP 1
- Mandatory exams for all groups:
- Fri, 09 Dec 2016, 15.00–16.30, HS 1, OMP 1
- Fri, 20 Jan 2017, 15.00–16.30, HS 1, OMP 1
- Exercises:
- Problem set 1, due by October 9, 2016
- Problem set 2, due by October 16, 2016
- Problem set 3, due by October 23, 2016
- Problem set 4, due by October 30, 2016
- Problem set 5, due by November 6, 2016
- Problem set 6, due by November 13, 2016
- Problem set 7, due by November 20, 2016
- Problem set 8, due by November 27, 2016
- Problem set 9, due by December 4, 2016
- Problem set 10, due by December 11, 2016
- Problem set 11, due by January 8, 2017
- Problem set 12, due by January 15, 2017
- Problem set 13, due by January 22, 2017
- Problem set 14, due by January 31, 2017
Teacher Training Computer Science
VU Security
- Schedule: Thu, from 06 Oct 2016 until 26 Jan 2017, 09.15-11.15, SR11, Währinger Straße 29 2.OG
Master Computational Science
VO Numerical Methods I
- Schedule:
- Wed, from 12 Oct 2016 until 23 Nov 2016 09.45–11.15, SR 7, OMP 1
- Thu, from 13 Oct 2016 until 17 Nov 2016 11.30–13.00, SR 7, OMP 1
- Fri, from 14 Oct 2016 until 18 Nov 2016 13.45–15.15, SR 7, OMP 1
UE Numerical Methods I - Exercises
- Schedule:
- Mon, from 17 Oct 2016 until 28 Nov 2016 12.45–14.15, SR 7, OMP 1
Master Physics of the Earth (Geophysics)
VO MA PE 01 VO Inverse Problems (NPI)
- Schedule: Thu, 12.00–14.30 2C315, UZA II
Master Mathematics
SE CSC Seminar
- Schedule: Tue, 16.45–18.15, SR 10, OMP 1
- Speakers:
- Oct 4: Cong Shi, Singular Values of the Attenuated Photoacoustic Imaging Operator
- Oct 11: Leonidas Mindrinos, The inverse scattering problem for orthotropic media in polarization-sensitve optical coherence tomography
- Oct 18: no seminar
- Nov 08: Julian Schmid, Elastography using Optical Coherence Tomography and Photoacoustic Imaging
- Nov 15: Ekatarina Sherina, Hybrid Tomography for Electrical Conductivity Imaging
- Nov 22: Omid Khatibi
- Nov 29: Dominic Amann, A Shape Optimization Approach for Periodic Water Waves
- Dec 06: Denise Schmutz, Unique Recovery of Unknown Projection Orientations in Three-Dimensional Tomography
- Dec 13: Eric Setterqvist (from Linköping University, Sweden), Taut String and Real Interpolation
- Jan 10: no seminar
- Jan 17: no seminar
- Jan 24: Leopold Veselka, Thermoacoustic and Photoacoustic Tomography
- Jan 31:
Kamran Sadiq, Understanding Quantum Tomography and Neutrinoscancelled
PhD Program
SE DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations
- Schedule: Wed, from 05 Oct 2016 until 25 Jan 2017, 13.15–14.00 and 14.15–15.45, HS2, OMP1
Bachelor Mathematics
UE Tutorials on ordinary differential equations
- Schedule: Wed 14.15–15.00, SR 12 OMP 1
UE Tutorials on partial differential equations
- Schedule:
Group 1: Wed 09.45–10.30, SR 10 OMP 1
Group 2: Wed 10.45–11.30, SR 10 OMP 1
Master Computational Science
VO Numerical Methods III - Optimisation
- Schedule: Thu 09.45–11.15, SR 7, OMP 1
- Preparatory meeting, Thu, 3 Mar 2016, 10.30–11.15, SR 7, OMP 1
- Lecture notes
VO Numerical Methods IV - Partial Differential Equation
- Schedule: Mon 13.15–14.45, SR 7, OMP 1
- Preparatory meeting, Thu, 3 Mar 2016, 09.45–10.30, SR 7, OMP 1
- Lecture notes
Master Physics of the Earth (Geophysics)
VO MA PE 01 Inverse Problems (NPI)
- Schedule: Thu 12.00–14.30, 2C315, UZA II
Master Mathematics
VO Potential Theory and its Applications
- Schedule: Wed 12.30–13.15, SR 12, OMP 1; Thu 15.45–17.15, SR 11 OMP 1
UE Topics course Potential Theory and its Applications
- Schedule: Wed 13.15–14.00, SR 12 OMP 1
PhD Program
UE CSC-Seminar
- Schedule: Fri 13.30–15.00, SR 10 OMP 1
- Speakers:
- April 15: Clemens Kirisits
- April 22: Julian Schmid
- April 29: Alexander Beigl
- May 13: Lukas Lang
- May 20: Melanie Hirzmann
- June 6: Dominic Amann, A shape optimization approach for periodic water waves (takes place on Mon 9.45–11.15 in SR 12 OMP 1)
- June 10: Gouzhi Dong
Teacher Training Computer Science
VU Security
- Schedule: Thu, 09.15–11.15, SR 11, OMP 1
Master Computational Science
VO Numerical Methods I
- Schedule: Wed, until 18 Nov 2015, 09.45–11.15, SR 7, OMP 1 Thu, until 19 Nov 2015, 09.45–11.15, SR 7, OMP 1 Fri, until 20 Nov 2015, 09.45–11.15, SR 7, OMP 1
- Preparatory meeting, Thu, 1 Oct 2015, 9.45–10:30, SR 7, OMP 1
- Lecture notes (updated version)
- Brief MATLAB Introduction (German)
- Exercise Sheet 1
- Exercise Sheet 2
- Matlab Source Code - Lagrange Interpolation
- Exercise Sheet 3
- Matlab Source Code - Cubic (Natural) Spline Interpolation
- Exercise Sheet 4
- Matlab Source Code - ODE
- Matlab Source Code - ODE 2
- Exercise Sheet 5
- Exercise Sheet 6
UE Numerical Methods I - Exercises
- Schedule: Wed, until 11 Nov 2015, 08.00–09.30, SR 7, OMP 1
- Preparatory meeting, Thu, 1 Oct 2015, 9.45–10:30, SR 7, OMP 1
VO Numerical Methods II
- Schedule: Wed, from 25 Nov 2015, 09.45–11.15, SR 7, OMP 1 Thu, from 26 Nov 2015, 09.45–11.15, SR 7, OMP 1 Fri, from 27 Nov 2015, 09.45–11.15, SR 7, OMP 1
- Preparatory meeting, Thu, 1 Oct 2015, 9.45–10:30, SR 7, OMP 1
- Lecture Notes (full version 21.01)
UE Numerical Methods II - Exercises
- Schedule: Wed, from 02 Dec 2015, 08.00–09.30, SR 7, OMP 1
- Preparatory meeting, Thu, 1 Oct 2015, 9.45–10:30, SR 7, OMP 1
- Exercise Sheet 1
- Exercise Sheet 2
- Exercise Sheet 3
- Exercise Sheet 4
- Exercise Sheet 5
Master Mathematics
VO Theory of partial differential equations
- Schedule:
Mon, 13.30–15.00, SR 10, OMP 1,
Wed, 13.30–14.15, SR 9, OMP 1
PS Introductory seminar on the theory of partial differential equations
- Schedule: Wed, 14.30–15.15, SR 9, OMP 1
SE Seminar Mathematical Imaging
- Schedule: Tue, 09.45–11.15, SR 8, OMP 1
- Speakers:
- October 13: José Iglesias, Shape and Image Matching with Nonconvex Regularization
- October 20: Julian Schmidt
- October 27: Wolf Naetar
- November 3: Vinicius Albani (seminar starts at 10.30), Local Volatility Surface Calibration
- November 10: Alexander Beigl, Reconstruction of Acoustic Parameters with Photoacoustic Sectional Imaging - A Distributional Approach
- November 17: no seminar
- November 24: Thomas Glatz, Photoacoustic Tomography with Varying Density and Compressibility
- December 1: Silvia Barbeiro
- December 15: Dominic Amann, Computation of periodic water waves
- January 12: no seminar
- January 19: Christian Gerhards
- January 26: no seminar
SE DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations
- Schedule: Wed, 14.15–15.45, H 2, OMP 1
Master Scientific Computing
VU Numerical Methods for the Solution of Differential Equations
- Schedule: Thu, 11.30–13.00, SR 12, OMP 1, Fri, 08.00–09.30, SR 12, OMP 1
- MATLAB Instruction can be attended together with VO Numerical Methods 1, Wed, 7 Oct 2015, 09.45–11.15, SR 7, OMP 1
- Lecture notes (updated 27th Jan 2016)
- 1. Exercise till October 16th NEW: Typos corrected, Oct. 12th
- 2. Exercise till October 30th
- 3. Exercise till November 13th
- 4. Exercise till November 20th
- 5. Exercise till Dezember 18th
- 6. Exercise till Janurary 29th, 2016
Bachelor Mathematics
VO Partial differential equations
- Schedule: Wed, 15.00–15.45, H 11, OMP 1+ Thu, 09.45–11.15, H 11, OMP 1
UE Tutorials on partial differential equations
- Schedule: Group 1: Wed, 16.00–16.45, H 11, OMP 1, Group 2: Thu, 11.30–12.15, H 2, OMP 1
Master Computational Science
VO Numerical Methods III - Optimisation
- Schedule: Thu 09.45–11.15, SR 7, OMP 1
- Lecture notes
VO Numerical Methods IV - Partial Differential Equation
- Schedule: Mon 13.15–14.45, SR 11, OMP 1
- Lecture notes: Version from June 30, 2015
Master Mathematics
VU Continuous Optimization
- Schedule: Thu, 15.00–16.30, SR7, Währinger Straße 29, 1.OG.
- Lecture notes
- Exercises:
- Thu, May 14: Exercise sheet 1
- Thu, June 25: Exercise sheet 2
SE Seminar (Inverse Problems)
- Schedule: Mon 10.45–12.15, SR 11, OMP 1
- Speakers:
- March 9: Julian Schmid, Quantitative Multi-Modal Coupled Physics Imaging
- March 16: Gouzhi Dong
- March 23: Clemens Kirisits, Nonuniqueness of Variationals Denoising Models with One-Homogeneous Functionals
- April 13:
Thomas Widlakcancelled - April 20: Jose Iglesias
- April 27:
Anela JahicThomas Widlak, Elastography as a Hybrid Imaging Technique - May 4: Alexander Beigl, Reconstruction Formulas for Photoacoustic Sectional Imaging
- May 11: Vinicius Albani, Converse Results, Logarithmic Source Conditions and Tikhonov Regularisation
- May 18: Peter Elbau, Convergence Rate Results for Tikhonov Regularisation
- June 1:
Lukas Langcancelled - June 8: Denise Schmutz, Reconstruction for Quantitative Photoacoustic Tomography
- June 15: no seminar
- June 22: Omid Khatibi
- June 29: no seminar
VO Imaging and Visualisation
- Schedule: Tue, 17.00–18.30, Visulab (01.313), OMP 1
- Literature:
- The Visualization Handbook, C.D. Hansen, C.R. Johnson, Elsevier (2005)
- Digital Image Processing, R.C. Gonzales, R.E. Woods, Prentice Hall (2001)
- Handbook of Medical Imaging, I.N. Bankman, Academic Press (2000)
- Visualization and Processing of Tensors and Higher Order Descriptors for Multi-Valued Data, C.-F. Westin, A. Vilanova, B. Burgeth, Springer (2010)
- Lecture Notes on Visualization
- TensorVis.org (Introductory Material to Tensor Imaging)
- Slides: Lecture 1-9 Lecture 10-13
- Handwritten Notes: Lecture 1 Lecture 2a Lecture 2b Lecture 3 Lecture 4 Lecture 5 Lecture 6 Lecture 7 Exercise 2 Lecture 13
- Code: Simple Active Contour - MATLAB code Test image Marching Squares - Main Marching Squares - Support Test image 2 Marching Squares - Alternative Version
- Exercise Sheets: Exercise Sheet 1 Exercise Sheet 2
VO Inverse Problems
- Schedule: Tue, 14.00–15.30, SR12, OMP 1+ Thu, 11.30–13.00, SR10, OMP 1
- Lecture Notes (L. Mindrinos and O. Scherzer): Version from December 10th, 2015
SE DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations
Bachelor Mathematics
VO Mathematical modelling
- Schedule: Fri 09.15–10.45, HS 13, OMP1
UE Tutorials on mathematical modelling
Teacher Training Computer Science
VU Security
- Schedule: Thu 09.15–11.15, SR 11, Währinger Straße 29 2.OG
Teacher Training Mathematics
Master Computational Science
VO Numerical Methods I
- Schedule: Wed, Thu, Fri 9.00–11.00, SR 12, OMP1
- Preparatory meeting, Wed 8 Oct 2014, 9.00, SR 12, OMP1
- Lecture Notes (updated 01.12)
UE Numerical Methods I - Exercises
- Schedule: Mon, 11.15–13.00, SR 12, OMP1
- Matlab Introduction
- Exercises:
- Mon, Oct 13: Exercise sheet 1
- Mon, Oct 20: Exercise sheet 2
- Mon, Oct 27: Exercise sheet 3 (Exercise 7)
- Mon, Nov 10: Exercise sheet 4
- Mon, Nov 17: Exercise sheet 5
- Mon, Dec 1: Exercise sheet 6
VO Numerical Methods II
- Schedule: Wed, Thu, Fri 09.30–11.00, SR 12, OMP1
- Preparatory meeting, Wed 19 Nov 2014, 09.00, SR 12, OMP1
- Lecture Notes (updated, from 20.1.2015)
UE Numerical Methods II - Exercises
- Schedule: Mon, 11.15–13.00, SR 11, OMP1
- Preparatory meeting, Thu 2 Oct 2014, 10.00–10.30, SR 12, OMP1
- Exercises:
- Mon, Dec 15: Exercise sheet 1
- Mon, Jan 12: Exercise sheet 2
- Mon, Jan 19: Exercise sheet 3
- Mon, Jan 26: Exercise sheet 4
Master Mathematics
SE DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations
- Schedule: Wed 14.00–15.30, HS 2, OMP 1
SE Seminar (inverse problems)
- Schedule: Thu, 15:15-16:45, SR 08, OMP 1
- Speakers:
- October 16: Christian Gerhards, Some Problems in Geomagnetism
- October 30: Peter Elbau, Photoacoustic Imaging: Reconstruction Formulas from Integral Geometry
- November 6: Cong Shi, Analysis of Photoacoustic Tomography Obeying Attenuation
- November 13: cancelled
- November 20: Wolf Naetar
- December 4:
Karl Stelzhammercancelled - December 11:
Patrick MünnichAniello Patrone - December 18: Julian Schmidt
- January 8: Jose Iglesias
- January 15: Gouzhi Dong
- January 22: Thomas Widlak
- January 29: Lukas Lang
Master Scientific Computing
VU Discrete Optimization
- Schedule: Thu 15.00–16.30, SR 11, Währinger Straße 29 2.OG
- Lecture Notes
- Exercises:
- Thu, Nov 13: Exercise sheet 1
- Thu, Jan 8: Exercise sheet 2
Bachelor Mathematics
VU Applications of differential equations
- Schedule: Tue 12.15–13.45 in HS 13, OMP 1 and Thu 14.15–15.45 in HS 11, OMP 1
UE Tutorials "Introduction to analysis"
Teacher Training Mathematics
Master Computational Science
VO Numerical Methods III - Optimisation
- Schedule: Thu 09.25–10.55, SR 12, OMP1
- Lecture notes
- Convex Optimization from S.n Boyd and L. Vandenberghe
- Additional exercises:
- predefined Matlab functions
VO Numerical Methods IV - Partial Differential Equation
- Schedule: Wed 9.25–10.55, SR 12, OMP1
- Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations.
- Numerical solution of partial differential equations with finite elements and finite differences.
- Lecture Notes
Master Mathematics
VU Continuous Optimization
- Schedule: Thu, 15.00–16.30, SR7, Währinger Straße 29, 1.OG.
- Lecture notes
- Exercises:
- Thu, May 8: Exercise sheet 1
SE Seminar (applied analysis)
- Schedule: Preparatory meeting, Thu 6 Mar 2014
SE DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations
- Schedule: Wed 14.00–15.30, SR 11, OMP1
VO Optimization in Function Spaces
- Schedule: Tue 15.15–16.45, SR10 and Thu 9.15–10.45, SR8, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
- Reference: I. Fonseca and G. Leoni, Modern Methods in the Calculus of Variations, Springer.
PhD Program
Bachelor Mathematics
SE Bachelor seminar 2
VU Image and signal processing
- Schedule: Mon 08.15–09.45 and Tue 08.15–09.45 in HS 11, OMP 1
- Final exam: Tue, Jan 28
Teacher Training Computer Science
VU Security
- Schedule: Thu 09.15–11.15, Seminarraum 11, Währinger Straße 29 2.OG
- Lecture slides: Version updated continuously
Teacher Training Mathematics
Master Computational Science
VO Numerical Methods I
- Schedule: Oct 9–Nov 15; Wed, Thu and Fri 9.15-11.00, SR 12, OMP 1
- Lecture Notes (Version updated: 29.11)
- Oral exam on Wed, Nov 20. Other possible dates will be given in agreement with the students.
UE Numerical Methods I - Exercises
- Schedule: Mon 11.15-13.00, SR 11, OMP 1
- Exercises:
- Mon, Oct 14: Exercise sheet 1
- Mon, Oct 21: Exercise sheet 2
- Mon, Oct 28: Exercide sheet 3
- Mon, Nov 4: Exercise sheet 4
- Mon, Nov 11: Exercise sheet 5
- Mon, Nov 18: Exercise sheet 6
- Matlab codes
VO Numerical Methods II
- Schedule: Nov 27–Jan 22; Wed, Thu and Fri 9.15–11.00, SR 12, OMP 1
- Lecture Notes (Version updated: 29.11)
- Exam on Wed, Jan 29.
UE Numerical Methods II - Exercises
- Schedule: Mon 11.15-13.00, SR 11, OMP 1
- Exercises:
- Mon, Dec 2: Exercise sheet 1
- Mon, Dec 9: Exercise sheet 2
- Mon, Dec 16: Exercise sheet 3
- Mon, Jan 13: Exercise sheet 4
- Mon, Jan 20: Exercise sheet 5
- Mon, Jan 27: Exercise sheet 6
Master Mathematics
SE Seminar (inverse problems)
- Schedule: Fri 14.00–16.00
- Speakers
- Fri, October 18, 14:00-16:00, SR 07, OMP 1: Aniello Patrone
- Fri, October 25, 14:00-16:00, SR 07, OMP 1: Clemens Kirisits
- Fri, November 8, 14:00-16:00, SR 07, OMP 1: Guozhi Dong
- Fri, November 15, 14:00-16:00, SR 07, OMP 1: Robert Csetnek and Sebastian Banert
- Fri, November 22, 14:00-16:00, HS 11, OMP 1: Patrick Münnich
- Fri, November 29: no seminar
- Fri, December 6, 15:00-17:00, HS 11, OMP 1: Anna Breger
SE DK-Seminar: Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations
Master Scientific Computing
VU Discrete Optimization
- Schedule: Thu 15.00–16.30, SR 11, Währinger Straße 29 2.OG
- Lecture Notes (Updated: 17.01)
- Exercises:
- Thu, Nov 7: Exercise sheet 1
- Thu, Jan 9: Exercise sheet 2
Bachelor Biology
UE Laboratory course: Mathematics
- Schedule: Group 2: Tue 16.00-18.00, HS 4 UZA 2, starting on March 5; please register also via Moodle
- Midterm exam: Tue, Mai 7, 16:00–18:00, HS 4, UZA 2
- Final exam: Wed, June 12, 10:00–12:00, HS 2, UZA 2
- Exercises:
- Tue, March 12: Exercise sheet 1
- Tue, March 19: Exercise sheet 2
- Tue, April 9: Exercise sheet 3
- Tue, April 16: Exercise sheet 4
- Tue, April 23: Exercise sheet 5
- Tue, April 30: Exercise sheet 6
- Tue, May 7: Preparation for the midterm exam
- Tue, May 7: Midterm exam
- Tue, May 14: Exercise sheet 7
- Tue, May 28: Exercise sheet 8
- Tue, June 4: Exercise sheet 9
- Tue, June 11: Exercise sheet 10 (preparation for the final exam)
- Tue, June 18: Exercise sheet 11
- Tue, June 25: Exercise sheet 12
Bachelor Mathematics
SE Bachelor seminar 1
VO Numerical mathematics
- Schedule:
Tue 15.00-17.00 and Fri 8:00.10:00, HS 2, UZA 2
There will be no lecture at:- Tue, March 19 (instead there will be an exercise class for all three groups)
- Tue, April 16
- Tue, April 23
- Fri, May 10
- Fri, May 17
- Tue, May 28
- Fri, May 31
- Lecture Notes: Version from June 25, 2013
- Dates for the exam:
- Tue, June 25, 15:00-17:00, HS 2, UZA 2, Solutions to first exam
- Fri, October 4, 9:00-11:00, SR 12, OMP 1, Solutions to second exam
- Fri, December 13, 16:00-18:00, HS 11, OMP 1
- Wed, February 5, 09:00-11:00, SR 09, OMP 1
- Exams of previous lectures:
UE Tutorials on numerical mathematics
- Schedule:
- Group 1: Tue 13.00–15.00, D 1.01 UZA 4, starting on March 5; please register via Moodle
- Group 2: Thu 08.00–10.00, D 1.03 UZA 4, starting on March 7 (this class will be given in English)
- Group 3: Thu 10.00-12.00, D 1.03 UZA 4, starting on March 7 (this class will be given in English)
- !!Change of Schedule: The exercise classes on May 9, both Groups 2 and 3, will be held on Tue, May 7, 13.00-15.00, D 1.01 UZA 4.!!
- Exercises:
- Tue, March 12: Exercise sheet 1
- Tue, March 19: Exercise sheet 2
- Tue, April 9: Exercise sheet 3
- Tue, April 16: Exercise sheet 4
- Tue, April 23: Exercise sheet 5
- Tue, April 30: Exercise sheet 6
- Tue, May 7: Exercise sheet 7
- Tue, May 14: Exercise sheet 8
- Thu, May 23: Exercise sheet 9
- Thu, June 4: Exercise sheet 10
- Tue, June 11: Exercise sheet 11
- Tue, June 18: Exercise sheet 12
- Matlab Introduction by Markus Grasmair,Matlab codes.
Master Mathematics
Master Scientific Computing
VU Continuous Optimization
- Schedule: The lecture will take place on Thu, 14.50–16.20, SR7, Währinger Straße 29, 1.OG.
- We will follow the lecture notes from Markus Grasmair
- First exercise (18. April 2013) Exercise sheet 1
- Second exercise (20. June 2013) Exercise sheet 2
- Matlab functions that are needed for the exercises: Functions and Matlab examples that have been presented in the lecture: Examples
PhD Program
SE Doctoral seminar of the IK Computational Science
- Schedule: Tue, 09.04 09.00; Thu, 18.4, 25.4, 16.5 09.00
- Speakers
- Tue, 09.04.2013, 09.00 – Lukas Lang, José Martinez, Guozhi Dong
- Thu, 18.04.2013, 09.00 – Thomas Glatz, Wolf Naetar
- Thu, 25.04.2013, 09.00 – Thomas Widlak, Leonidas Mindrinos
- Thu, 16.05.2013, 09.00 – Clemens Kirisits, Lukas Lang
Bachelor Mathematics
VO Mathematical modelling
Fourth exam: Fri, September 6, 10.00–11.30, room 07.137.
- Dimensional Analysis (Illner, Bohun, McCollum, van Roode, Mathematical Modelling, A Case Studies Approach, AMS, 2005, Chapter 4)
- Scaling (Fowler, Mathematical Models in the Applied Sciences, Cambridge University Press, 1997, Chapter 2)
- Projectile Problem (Schmeiser, Modellierung , Lecture Notes, Chapter 6)
- Logistic Map (Tung, Topics in Mathematical Modeling, Princeton University Press, 2007, Chapter 7)
- Lotka-Volterra Model (Illner, Bohun, McCollum, van Roode, Mathematical Modelling, A Case Studies Approach, AMS, 2005, Chapter 5)
- Explicit and Implicit Euler Method*
- Heat Equation
- Age of the Earth (Tung, Topics in Mathematical Modeling, Princeton University Press, 2007, Chapter 13)
- Diffusion Equation
- Wave Equation (Tung, Topics in Mathematical Modeling, Princeton University Press, 2007, Chapter 14)*
*) Will not be subject matter of the examination.
UE Tutorials on mathematical modelling
- Schedule:
- Group 1: Mon 16.00–17.00, C 2.09 UZA 4, starting on October 8
- Group 2: Mon 17.00–18.00, C 2.09 UZA 4, starting on October 8
- Exercises:
- Mon, October 15: Exercise sheet 1
- Mon, October 22: Exercise sheet 2
- Mon, November 5: Exercise sheet 3
- Mon, November 12: Exercise sheet 4
- Mon, November 19: Exercise sheet 5
- Mon, December 3: Exercise sheet 6
- Mon, December 10: Exercise sheet 7
- Mon, December 17: Exercise sheet 8
- Mon, January 14: Exercise sheet 9
- Mon, January 21: Exercise sheet 10
UE Tutorials on functional analysis
- Schedule:
- Group 1: Th, 10:00-10:45, D 107 (Starting on 11.09)
- Group 2: Th, 11:00-11:45, D 107 (Starting on 11.09)
- Exercise sheets:
- Solutions: !!no responsibility is taken for the correctness of this information!!!
SE Bachelor seminar 1
Teacher Training Computer Science
Master Mathematics
UE STEOP: Exercises in Probability (UE)
VO Numerical mathematics 2
PS Introductory seminar "Numerical mathematics 2"
- Schedule: Tue 16.00–18.00, D 1.07 UZA 4, starting on October 23
- Lecture Notes: Version from January 10, 2013
- Exercises:
- Tue, October 23: Exercise sheet 1
- Tue, November 6: Exercise sheet 2
- Tue, November 13: Exercise sheet 3
- Tue, November 20: Exercise sheet 4
- Tue, November 27: Exercise sheet 5
- Tue, December 4: Exercise sheet 6
- Tue, December 11: Exercise sheet 7
- Tue, January 8: Exercise sheet 8
- Tue, January 15: Exercise sheet 9
- Tue, January 22: Exercise sheet 10
SE Seminar (Mathematical Image Processing)
- Schedule:
- 10.10.2012 - First Meeting
- 31.10.2012 - Leonidas Mindrinos
- 07.11.2012 - Michael Leitner
- 14.11.2012 - Muehlboeck, Berger
- 21.11.2012 - Roithner, Bammer
- 28.11.2012 - cancelled
- 05.12.2012 - Pichler, Sisti
- 12.12.2012 - Peter Elbau
- 09.01.2013 - Naetar, Widlak
- 16.01.2013 - Michael Leitner
Master Scientific Computing
VU Numerical Methods for the Solution of Differential Equations
- Schedule: Tue 15.30–17.00 and Thu 8.00–9.30, Lecture Room 6, Währingerstraße 29, 1.OG
- Literature
- Jones, Plank, Sleeman: Differential Equations and Mathematical Biology, 2nd edition, CRC Press 2010
- Fausett: Numerical Methods, Algorithms and Applications, Prentice Hall
VU Discrete Optimization
- Schedule: Thu 15.00–16.30, SR 11, Währinger Straße 29 2.OG
- Exercise sheet 1
- Exercise sheet 2
- Literature:
- Bernhard Korte and Jens Vygen: Combinatorial Optimization, Springer
PhD Program
Bachelor Computer Science
UE Basics of Mathematics and Analysis
- Schedule: Group 5: Th, 13:00–14:30, HS 23 (Thorstensen, Starting on 08.03.)
- Exercise sheets:
- Maxima files:
- Punktestand: Punkte
Bachelor Mathematics
UE Tutorials for "Analysis"
- Group 1: Tu, 17:15-18:45, D 103 (Thorstensen, Starting on 06.03.)
- Group 2: We, 16:15-17:45, D 103 (Fidler, Starting on 07.03.)
- More information (in German)
VU Image and signal processing
- Schedule: Tue 10.15–11.45, C2.09 UZA IV and Thu 10.15–11.45, 2A310 UZA II
- The lecture starts on Tue, March 6, 10.15–11.45, C2.09 UZA IV
- !!Caution:!! no lecture on May 22 and May 24!
- Lecture notes: Preliminary version
- Exercises:
- Tue, April 24, 10.15-11.45, C2.09 UZA IV: Exercise sheet 1
- Thu, April 26, 10.15-11.45, 2A310 UZA II: Exercise sheet 2
- Tue, May 15, 10.15-11.45, C2.09 UZA IV: Exercise sheet 3
- Tue, June 19, 10.15-11.45, C2.09 UZA IV: Exercise sheet 4
- Projects (5-6 persons per group):
- Huffman coding
- Two dimensional discrete cosine transform
- Image processing by filters: smoothing
- Image processing by filters: edge detection
Presentation of the projects: 21.06., 26.06.
- !!Examination:!! Thu+Fri, June 28+29, 09.00–12.00, Room A103 and A105; Registration: Enter your name on the lists posted at the board in the corridor to the rooms A101-A106!
- Grades
SE Bachelor seminar 2
- Schedule: First meeting: Friday, March 02, 14.00h, C2.09 UZA
- More information
Master Mathematics
SE Seminar (Variations methods for inverse problems)
- Schedule: Date: Tue 16.15–17.45, Seminar Room 2A180, UZA II
- Course material:
- Preliminary schedule.
VO Inverse problems
- Schedule: Wed 16.15–17.45, D.107 UZA IV and Fr 12.15–13.00, A.102 UZA IV
Master Scientific Computing
VU Continuous Optimization
- The lecture on May 24 is cancelled. Instead, there will be a meeting on June 11, 12.15–13.45 in room D1.07, UZA IV, Nordbergstr. 15 (the lecture room is next to the mathematics library).
- Change of date: Starting from March 22, the lecture will take place on Thu 15.30–17.00, SR C2.09, UZA IV, Nordbergstr. 15.
- The revised, though not yet corrected, lecture notes can be found here last modified on June 20, 2012.
- First exercise sheet. Test your code at the functions rosenbrock.m , himmelblau.m , and rosenbrockn.m. The exercise sheet will be discussed on 26th April.
- Second exercise sheet. Test your code with the constraints constraints1.m and constraints2.m. The exercise sheet will be discussed on 28th June.
PhD Program
Bachelor Mathematics
SE Bachelor seminar 1
- First meeting: Friday, October 07, 14.00, C2.09 UZA 4
UE Tutorials "Introduction to analysis"
- Schedule:
- Group 1: Tu, 17:00-18:30, D 101 (Thorstensen, Starting on 18.10.)
- Group 2: Th, 15:15-16:45, HS 1 (Fidler, Starting on 20.10.)
- Group 5: Th, 17:15-18:45, D 101 (Fidler, Starting on 20.10.)
- More information (in German)
- Literature:
- Bernhard Korte and Jens Vygen: Combinatorial Optimization, Springer
- William Kocay and Donald L. Kreher: Graph, Algorithms, and Optimization, CRC Press
Teacher Training Computer Science
Teacher Training Mathematics
UE Tutorials "Introduction to analysis"
- Schedule:
- Group 1: Tu, 17:00-18:30, D 101 (Thorstensen, Starting on 18.10.)
- Group 2: Th, 15:15-16:45, HS 1 (Fidler, Starting on 20.10.)
- Group 5: Th, 17:15-18:45, D 101 (Fidler, Starting on 20.10.)
- More information (in German)
- Literature:
- Bernhard Korte and Jens Vygen: Combinatorial Optimization, Springer
- William Kocay and Donald L. Kreher: Graph, Algorithms, and Optimization, CRC Press
Master Scientific Computing
VU Numerical Methods for the Solution of Differential Equations
- Schedule: Tue 15.45–17.15, Lecture Room 26, main building and Thu 8.30–10.00 Lecture Room 28, main building.
- Starting from January 10, the Tuesday lecture will take place in the Lecture Room USI 3 instead of Lecture Room 26.
- There will be no lectures on January 17 and January 19.
- Literature:
- Jones, Plank, Sleeman: Differential Equations and Mathematical Biology, 2nd edition, CRC Press 2010
- Fausett: Numerical Methods, Algorithms and Applications, Prentice Hall
- All the exercises can be found here. Please prepare exercises 14-16 for the meeting on January 10. You may use the functions spring_pendulum.m, spring_pendulum_der.m.
VU Discrete Optimization
PhD Program
Bachelor Computer Science
Bachelor Mathematics
VO Numerical mathematics
- Schedule: Wed 8.15–9.45 and Thu 8.15–9.45, Lecture Room 2, UZA 2
- !!Examination (Registration: Student Service Center, Room C606).!!
- !!You may use all your written documents during the final exam, but no pocket calculator or laptop.!!
- June 29th, 2011, 8.00-10.00. Ergebnis.
- October 18th, 2011, 17.15-18.45. Ergebnis.
- December 13th, 2011, 17.15-18.45. Ergebnis.
- February 28th, 2012, 8.15–9.45. The exam takes place in Room A105.This will be the last opportunity the attend the exam.
- Skriptum Numerische Mathematik SS11
- !!Lecture schedule changes!!
- !!The remaining three lectures take place on 08.06.2011, 15.06.2011 and 22.06.2011!!
- In the beginning of the term, there will be four hours lecture per week. During the second half of the term, some lectures will have to be canceled.
- There are three exercise groups: Tue 13.15–14.45 (C2.07), Tue 15.15–16.45 (D1.03), and Wed 15.15–16.45 (D1.03). Please register for the exercises in the first lecture.
- Exercise sheets:
- Exemplary solutions for the programming examples of Exercise sheet 3 by Dimitrios Lenis bsp5.rar, bsp6.rar
- Exemplary solutions of the LU-decomposition with partial pivoting lrpivot.m and the QR-decomposition qrdecomp.m
- Matlab Introduction
- Tutorial courses: Fr 11.00–12.30 (C2.04), Mo 17.00–19.00 (C2.04), example programs.
- Examination:
- June 29th, 2011, 8.10h, Lecture Room 2, UZA 2
UE Tutorials on numerical mathematics
SE Bachelor seminar 2
- First meeting: Friday, 4th March, 14.00h, C2.09 UZA 4
- More information (in German)
Master Mathematics
SE Seminar (Inverse Problems)
- Schedule: Thu 13.15–14.45, Seminar Room 2A310, UZA II
- Course material:
Master Scientific Computing
VU Continuous Optimization
- Time and place of the lecture have changed.
- Starting with 17th March, the lecture will take place on
- Thu 16.15–17.45, SR D1.03, UZA IV, Nordbergstr. 15.
PhD Program
Bachelor Economics
UE Linear Algebra
- Group 1: Wed 09.00-09.45, Lecture Room C2.09, UZA 4. Results.
- Group 2: Wed 12.00-12.45, Lecture Room C2.09, UZA 4. Results.
- I have written somewhat detailed model solutions to the second exam.
- Exercise sheets:
- Exercise sheet 11.
- Exercise sheet 12.
- Exercise sheet 13.
Bachelor Computer Science
Bachelor Mathematics
UE Tutorials for "Linear algebra and geometry 2"
SE Bachelor seminar 1
VO Image and signal processing
UE Tutorials on image and signal processing
Bachelor Statistics
UE Linear Algebra
- Group 1: Wed 09.00-09.45, Lecture Room C2.09, UZA 4. Results.
- Group 2: Wed 12.00-12.45, Lecture Room C2.09, UZA 4. Results.
- I have written somewhat detailed model solutions to the second exam.
- Exercise sheets:
- Exercise sheet 11.
- Exercise sheet 12.
- Exercise sheet 13.
Teacher Training Computer Science
Master Mathematics
VO Partial differential equations on image processing
PS Introductory seminar on partial differential equations on image processing
SE Seminar (Variation methods for inverse problems)
- Schedule: Thu 13.15–14.45, Lecture Room D1.07, UZA 4
- Course material:
- References:
Master Scientific Computing
VU Numerical Methods for the Solution of Differential Equations
- Schedule: Tue 15.45–17.15, Lecture Room 26, main building and Thu 8.30–10.30 Lecture Room 28, main building
- Literature:
- Jones, Plank, Sleeman: Differential Equations and Mathematical Biology, 2nd edition, CRC Press 2010
- Fausett: Numerical Methods, Algorithms and Applications, Prentice Hall
- The next exercises will take place on January 18 and January 20 2011.
- On January 25 and January 27 2011 the lecture is cancelled. Instead, there is the possibility of taking the oral examination (Room A1.05, UZA 4, Nordbergstraße 15).
- Exercise sheets:
- The third exercise sheet will be discussed on Jan 18 and Jan 20 2011.
VU Discrete Optimization
- Schedule: Mon 12.30–14.00, HS 28
- Lecture notes
- First exercise sheet
- Second exercise sheet
- Note that you can use gplot for visualizing planar graphs given by their adjacency matrix. Also, it might make sense to store the adjacency matrix in some sparse format.
PhD Program
Bachelor Mathematics
VO Numerical mathematics
- Schedule: Date: Tue 9.00–11.00 and Thu 9.00–10.00, Lecture Room 2, UZA 2
- Lecture notes
UE Tutorials on numerical mathematics
Master Mathematics
VO Inverse Problems
- Schedule: Thu 15.00–17.00 and Fri 9.00–10.00, Seminar Room C209, UZA 4
- Exercise sheet 1
- Exercise sheet 2
- Exercise sheet 3
- Exercise sheet 4
- Exercise sheet 5
- Exercise sheet 6
- Exercise sheet 7
- chop.jpg (Excercise sheet 2)
PS Introductory seminar on "Inverse Problems"
SE Seminar (Inverse Problems)
- Schedule: Wed 10:15–12.00, Seminar Room S1 Vienna Micro-CT Lab, Althanstraße 12.00–14.00 or Seminar Room D104 (UZA 4); see schedule for more details
- Course material:
- Available references
- Identifiability and reconstruction of shapes from integral invariants
- Integral invariants for shape matching
- Integral invariants for robust geometry processing
- Scale-Based Description and Recognition of Planar Curves and Two-Dimensional Shapes
- Multiscale Image Representation Using Novel Integro-Differential Equations
- A Multiscale Image Representation Using Hierarchical (BV,L2) decompositions
PhD Program
Bachelor Computer Science
Bachelor Mathematics
SE Bachelor seminar 1
VO Mathematical modelling
- Schedule: Tue 10.15–11.45, Lecture Room 2, UZA 2
- Lecture notes
- Examinations (Registration: Student Service Center, Room C606)
- 23rd March 2010, 17-19, Lecture Room 2.
- 22nd June 2010, 17-19, Lecture Room 2.
Teacher Training Computer Science
Teacher Training Mathematics
UE Tutorials on "Introduction to analysis"
UE Tutorials "Introduction to linear algebra and geometry"
VO Mathematical modelling
- Schedule: Tue 10.15–11.45, Lecture Room 2, UZA 2
- Lecture notes
- Examinations (Registration: Student Service Center, Room C606)
- 23rd March 2010, 17-19, Lecture Room 2.
- 22nd June 2010, 17-19, Lecture Room 2.